UPDATE: Chino decided he didn't like the name he arrived with and has requested to be called Boris Dogson in future.
UPDATE: Chino decided he didn't like the name he arrived with and has requested to be called Boris Dogson in future.
This week sees the start of the Parliamentary debate on the EU reform treaty, it seems that Gordon Brown is going to try and divide the Conservatives to distract attention from his own perfidy.
Even the Labour dominated foreign affairs committee has accused ministers of deliberately playing down the consequences of the treaty. Their report concludes there is no difference between the foreign policy provisions in the rejected European constitution and those in the new EU Reform Treaty (Sunday Telegraph). The I Want A Referendum campaign are planning to poll half a million people in marginal constituencies, the results will make interesting reading.
"One large turbine would be able to provide power for the whole of Wedmore. It's a small price to pay to help the planet and we all need take responsibility at a local level."
According to the 2001 census the population of Wedmore is 3145. Mind you it's not very windy below sea level either.